Harriet McGilloway
Pupil Premium Lead
Weaver Trust has a proven track record of improving outcomes for their most disadvantaged pupils. As Trust Pupil Premium Lead, Harriet has responsibility for co-ordinating the Trust’s approach to raising the achievement of disadvantaged pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. Through strategic leadership, and research-informed Harriet develops a thorough knowledge of disadvantaged pupils’ levels of attainment. This is the first step in developing an effective pupil premium strategy.
A broad array of external evidence to inform decision making, alongside the expert knowledge of the pupils in Weaver Trust, informs which approaches are most likely to provide appropriate and effective solutions, such as particular phonics or reading comprehension programmes.
Successful implementation of a pupil premium strategy is a carefully staged process that takes time. Harriet works alongside the Director for education to align the strategy to other school and Trust development plans and existing practices, to ensure a sustained impact.
Harriet continually monitor the progress of the Pupil Premium strategy, adapting Weaver Trust’s approach when and where appropriate.